File Management and Productivity Services

We enthusiastically support those organizations ready to consider alternative cloud computing solutions to Big Tech.

There is no better time than now to make a move to established alternative cloud providers committed to standing in opposition to the Big Tech cloud providers.

Reach out to us today to discuss how we may help in making a move to our preferred provider.

Our Core Services:

File Management


Replace Google Drives and More

Effortlessly migrate your file storage and other productivity needs – now is the time to move to an alternative. Nextcloud is an open-source (freely available) productivity suite that provides a comparable experience to Big Tech (Google and Microsoft) products without the control over your data and privacy. We can setup a pre-configured version of NextCloud in your environment or on Alterncloud. Contact us today.

Technology Independence Group

We are a partner committed to your best interests in the alternative technology space.

By doing so, we’re making a difference in the technology industry. Our architects, engineers and analysts are here to support your long-term needs and success.