Technology Independence Group

Helping You Break Free: Technology Independence Group Launches New Service Offerings

December 6, 2023

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There has never been a better time to break free from big tech. An alarming trend of consolidation and market dominance continues to characterize Big Tech’s operation, with the suppression of innovation and the damaging of third-party competition. Additionally, with each passing day, there are more and more instances of big tech being involved in data leaks and privacy breaches. Cutting your ties with big tech sounds like an incredible idea in theory but a daunting task in practice. So many of our critical day-to-day operations are directly reliant upon big tech, from the use productivity tools to collaborate with team members to the dependence on data management and storage services. With few obvious alternatives in the marketplace, it can feel overwhelming figuring out where to begin the journey towards technological freedom. Fortunately, we have been hard at work developing the perfect solution to get you started.

Moving your WordPress site to the alternative cloud has never been easier using our automated tool!

Technology Independence Group is excited to announce our WordPress Website Migration Solution. Your company’s website serves as your digital face to the world, acting as the hub for conveying crucial business information and supporting your daily operations. It’s the perfect place to start with in decoupling from Big Tech’s Grasp.

How it Works:

Our solution streamlines the migration of your WordPress website from where Big Tech hosts it today to the independent cloud. We partner with Alterncloud to provide censorship-free hosting that will give you the confidence in running your business freely for years to come.

  • Our team of experts can have your site up and running in Alterncloud’s environment in less than 30 minutes.
  • Our solution streamlines the typically arduous hosting migration process.
  • It automates SSL provisioning for your custom domain, performs site backups, deploys a fresh WordPress image on the new server, and guarantees ongoing automatic updates to maintain your website’s security.

Breaking free from big tech has never been easier! Click here for more information.

Technology Independence Group

Get up and running with a powerful suite of Big-Tech-Free Productivity tools through our streamlined set-up process.

The migration of your hosting is a crucial first step in achieving technological independence. However, your dependence on Big Tech extends to the suite of productivity tools your business uses daily. Tools such as Google Drive and Microsoft Office are indispensable for your work, and it’s challenging to envision a practical alternative. The good news is that an alternative has finally arrived! Technology Independence Group is pleased to offer a comprehensive migration and setup service, ensuring your company’s seamless transition to a robust, open-source productivity suite, free from Big Tech constraints!

How it Works:

Our service focuses on easing your company’s move away from using Big Tech in support of your file storage and other productivity needs to Nextcloud, a next generation open-source (freely available) productivity suite that provides a comparable experience to Big Tech Products. With Nextcloud, you will regain control of your data and privacy.

  • Our team of experts will set up a pre-configured version of NextCloud in your own environment or in Alterncloud.
  • Our base model includes setting you up with Nextcloud’s document management capabilities. We also provide an array of value-added services.

Breaking free from big tech has never been easier! Click here for more information.

Additional services include:

  • Unlock additional NextCloud capabilities, including email integration and productivity enhancements.
  • Secure migration of your files from your existing system into NextCloud.
  • Support and training to ensure smooth user adoption of NextCloud.

Technology Independence Group is proud to be at forefront of helping you take back control of your digital assets and ensure you are equipped with the tools to complete your mission for years to come. To request more information about our services, contact us here.